Markets, Calendars and a trip to Cornwall
It’s been a little while since my last blog post so I thought I’d write a quick update about what’s been going on with Steve McCarthy Photography.
This weekend I took my stall to the Trowbridge Weavers Market. It was my first time at the market, in fact, my first time at any market, so I approached it with some trepidation.
As it turned out I had nothing to worry about. My stall was up on the first floor in the Trowbridge Town Hall, which, together with it being a nice sunny day, meant that we lacked a bit on the footfall, but I made a few sales, broke even and made some contacts.
All in all a pretty good day. I will be back there again next month on the 11th June to try my luck again.
A contact that I have made recently was with a company who want me to produce a Trowbridge calendar. Trowbridge isn’t the most picturesque of towns but we have sights and I have a few ideas. If anyone reading this knows the town and has any ideas that might make a good page in the calendar please let me know.
Finally, following on from my weekend sales exploits, tomorow I am off on another trip. I’m going back to Cornwall for a week to try to capture some nice images to add to my portfolio. I have some ideas for places to capture, but again, if anyone reading this has some favourite places that they would like to see in an image, please let me know.
Have a good day!